1996: ‘The Victorian Dwelling’

The Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, University of York, York

The Traditional Paint Forum is indebted to the Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies at the University of York who provided the venue of the Forum’s second conference.

Many of us live in Victorian houses and may wish to establish how they were originally decorated. The conference considered all aspects of the decoration of the ordinary house during the nineteenth century and asked how we should be decorating them today.

1 November 1996
-Welcome and Announcements, Richard Ireland
-The Victorian Dwelling, Peter Hood
-The Needs of the Building Fabric, Alan Gardner
-Victorian Traditions and Available Materials, Patrick Baty
-Painters and Tradesmen, Patrick Baty
-David Ramsey Hay, Ian Gow
-The Investigation of Victorian Decorative Schemes: Illustrated Case Studies,
Helen Hughes
-A Victorian House in America, Jack Braunlein
-‘Compositions’, Ivan Hall

2 November 1996
-Paint Manufacture and Processes, Peter Hood
-Paint Application, Kevin Howell
-The Housepainter and Decorative Painting, Paul Humphries and John Nevin
-Restoration or Replication, Kevin McCloud
-Statutory Considerations, Giles Proctor
-Practical Experience of Recreating Victorian Schemes, Dr Ian Bristow
-Open Forum Discussion